Description: Indian Ringneck is classified as a smaller parrot known as the parakeet.These birds have a hooked beak, a long tail, and are larger in size compared to most conures.These parrots have yellow feathers underling their wings and tail. Both males and females look very similar; however, the male has a black ring around his neck. Indian Ringnecks are native to Asia and Africa and can be seen in the forests or arid environments.
Origin:India, Asia
Average Lifespan:
Between 25 - 30 years,
Intelligence:Indain Ringnecks are intelligent and are great at talking reson for being popular pet.
Colors:Most common mutations includes green,blue,yellow,white and gray.
Diet:Rose-ringed parakeets usually feed on buds fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries and seeds. Wild flocks also fly several miles to forage in farmlands.