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Lake Land Terrier



The Lakeland Terrier is small sized terrier breed with a jaunty look and an intelligent expression. The face is long and rectangular in profile with smaller ears that fold over at the tips. The jaws and muzzle of the Lakeland Terrier are strong and square looking with a slight beard that adds to their unique appearance. The eyes are dark brown or hazel and are often partially obscured by the curly hair on the face.

The Lakeland Terrier has a long and graceful neck that blends into sturdy shoulders. Since the breed was used for moving through brush the body is somewhat narrow and streamlined but not delicate looking

Height:  Not above 14½ inches
Weight:  Dogs 17 pounds .Bitches 15 pounds .

Life span:

About 10-12 years.
Used as:

Hunting dog, pet.

Coat Description:

The outer coat of the Lakeland Terrier is wiry and rough and provides weatherproofing for the dog's body as well a protection for going through dense foliage and bushes. The softer inner coat is relatively fine and provides warmth and another layer of protection for the skin. The hair on the body is usually wavy but not very tightly curled and is consistent in length over the body.   


The Lakeland Terrier, like most terriers, in an adventurous and energetic breed of dog that loves to spend time with its family. They are naturally very intelligent dogs and will be relatively easy to train with almost any type of trick or routine. Sometimes Lakeland Terriers can be challenging to housetrain but will learn quickly using crate training techniques. The Lakeland Terrier prefers to be with people rather than to be isolated or left alone. The Lakeland Terrier can find ways to entertain his or herself, but they can become destructive or problematic when bored or lonely. Usually this is displayed by digging behavior or barking. Regular exercise, lots of toys, companion dogs and time spent with the family will usually correct these problems should they develop.

The Lakeland Terrier is wonderful for families with children of all ages, although they can be somewhat protective of food and toys. They love to run and interact with people and can be excellent companion dogs for non-canine pets and other dogs provided they are properly socialized. A natural hunter, the Lakeland Terrier will chase but not as much as some of the other terrier breeds. They often will find new and different ways to play with toys and to interact with people. The Lakeland Terrier is an affectionate dog but not one that will sit around for long periods of time. The breed will naturally want to be a part of everything that goes on in the home. They love to keep track of everyone in the house and will often spend time going from room to room just to keep tabs on the people in the family.

As a watch dog:
One of the many positive attributes of the Lakeland Terrier is its nature to provide protection for the family. They are very courageous and will bark and give notice of strangers and strange animals that approach. With proper socialization and training the Lakeland Terrier will quickly learn to stop barking on command and accept new people and animals. Typically the breed is rather wary of strangers but will soon get to know new people and accept them. Proper training, early and varied socialization and neutering and spaying will prevent much of the aggressive type behaviors.


This little dog loves to be outside and have time and space to run and romp. They are avid chasers and will play fetch with a ball as long as the owner is willing to keep throwing. The breed is very active indoors and can adjust to regular outdoor walks even if they are housed in a smaller house or apartment without a yard. In a larger fenced area they will self-exercise but may also dig if they become bored.


The Lakeland Terrier should have its coat plucked two or three times each year by pulling the old hair out by hand. Remove loose hair also from the ear passages and trim excess hair between the pads of the feet. This breed sheds little to no hair.


As with most dog breeds the Lakeland Terrier does best with consistent, positive training methods that include lots of socialization opportunities at an early age. The breed is very easy to train and highly intelligent and will quickly learn what you trying to teach. Usually Lakeland Terriers will become less compliant and stubborn if they have to repeat the same training routines and exercises in a repetitive fashion. problem.


The Lakeland Terrier was originally bred in the Lake region of England as a ratter and fox hunting dog. The breed has been developed through the selective crossing of several breeds including the Old English Wirehaired Terrier, the Bedlington Terrier, the Border Collie and the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Originally known by one of several names including the Fell Terrier, Eltewater Terrier and the Patterdale Terrier, the name Lakeland Terrier was officially recognized 1921. The Lakeland Terrier quickly became a popular breed in the United Kingdom and became recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1934.


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