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Antigua and Barbuda National Animal

Fallow Deer is Antigua and Barbuda National Animal.

Fallow Deer Features:

Habitat: Mixed forests all over Europe.

Characteristics: Extraordinary vision, recognizes a none moving person over a distance of 300m.

Curs and Deductions:

Share Nose: 0.0kg
Long Nose: 0.1kg
Full skull: 0.25kg


Deer eat plants, twigs, fruit, corn, and nuts.

Deer can run to 40 miles an hour, jump 9-foot fences, and swim 13 miles per hour.

Deer like to stay around forests and farms because they sleep and eat there.

Comparing deer characteristics:

There is a growing number of whitetail deer in northern Utah. Here's How to tell whitetail from mule deer. Size and coloration can vary in both species, depending on environmental factors. 

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