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Short face tumbler

Short face tumbler





The English Short Faced Tumbler is a unique breed of fancy pigeons that has been bred for many hundreds of years. the breed is one of the smallest known today. While it has slightly more body weight than the smaller breed, the figurita, this is due to its exraordianry chest width. Other than body width, all other dimensions are actually smaller


Mainly seeds and fruits.Most species swallow fruit whole. After the flesh of the fruit is digested in the stomach, the pit is regurgitated, vomited from the stomach.



The primary consideration for anyone wishing to breed the Short face tumbler

 is dedication. All the Short face tumbler

 breeders I have ever known were totally dedicated to the breed....they have to be, as you will be required to give babies as much care and nurturing as you would your own children..
Short face tumbler are unable to care for their own young, but surprisingly, are excellent parents for long faced smaller breeds such as rollers and parlor tumblers

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