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Angola National Animal

Angola National Animal

Red-crested turaco is National Animal of Angola.

With a beautiful red crest, white face, and yellow beak these birds are easy to spot.

Red-Crested Turaco is weak flyers but find it very easy to run at high speeds through their tree habitat.

Fast Facts: 

Classification: Order Cuculiformes, Family Musophagidae

Number of Species: 23 Species

Native Habitat: Forests Savannas, Neotropical

Diet In Aviculture: Fruit

Care Requirements: Easy

Basic Behavior: Active, Strong flyers, runners, and jumpers

Breeding Ease: Easy 2 3 4 5 Very Difficult

Space Needed: Large Flight/Aviary

Voice: Quit, But with periodic loud calls

Pet Quality: Tame if Handraised

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