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The Frillback is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. Frillbacks, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the Rock Pigeon.The breed is known for the frill or curls on the wing shield feathers. The feather curl should also be present at the ends of the foot feathers or muffs.

The colors of Standard Frillbacks fall into 6 color categories.

  • Self: White, Black, Recessive Red, and Yellow
  • Pattern:Recessive Red Mottle, Yellow Mottle, Rosewing, and Whiteside.
  • Grizzle: Red, Yellow, Blue, Silver
  • Shield Marked: Red, Yellow, Blue-Black Bar, Silver-Dun Bar, Mealy Ash-Red Bar, and Ash:Cream Bar
  • ARC: Any rare color
  • ARCP: Any rare color pattern.

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