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The Maltese is a small, hardy dog with silky hair. The body is compact, fine boned, but sturdy and slightly longer than it is tall with a level top line. The chest is deep. The medium length muzzle tapers, but not to a point. The pendant, low set ears are set close to the head and heavily feathered. The black eyes are large, round and set moderately apart with dark rims. The nose is black with open nostrils. The dog has a silky, single layer coat that is white or light ivory. A lot of owners choose to cut the coat into a short, easy care puppy cut.

Height:Dogs 8-10 inches Bitches 8-9 inches
Weight:from 6½-9 pounds (3-4kg.)

Life Expectancy:

About 15 or more years.




For thousands of years this small dog with its long, lush white coat has been depicted on art objects; and for centuries it has reigned in elegant salons world-wide. Beauty, however, is but one attribute of the Maltese. It is also intelligent, affectionate, a good watchdog, and strong and hardy.


The Malteseis described as:


  1. Spirited, lively and playful.
  2. Gentle, loving, trusting and devoted to its master.
  3. Highly intelligent, good at learning tricks.
  4. Bold and quick to sound the alarm in case of suspicious noises.
  5. Affectionate and playful, although possibly prone to anxiety



Activity Requirements:

Maltese don't need a lot of vigorous exercise in order be happy and healthy, but daily walks is must. These little guys love to run, so allowing them time to zip around the yard or park can help them expend extra energy. Their size makes them ideal apartment dogs, but a commitment should be made to walking your Maltese daily as it keeps them in shape and helps prevent separation anxiety.

Ideal owners:

This breed makes a good pet for a family or individual in a city or suburban home.


Give these little guys some praise and treats and they are capable of anything. Maltese are highly trainable and unlike other toy breeds, possess a desire to please. Some can have an independent streak, but that can generally be overcome by keeping training interesting and mixing up the routine a bit. Toy breeds should never be treated harshly or given physical corrections. Small dogs feel their only method of protecting themselves is through their bark and bite, and they do not  hesitate to use either. Harsh treatment or physical discipline can cause your Maltese to be mistrustful of people in general. Rewarding good behavior and ignoring bad is the best method to train a Maltese.


Daily combing and brushing of the long coat is important but be gentle, as the coat is very soft. Clean the eyes daily to prevent staining, and clean the beard after meals for the same reason. Bathe or dry shampoo regularly - making sure the animal is thoroughly dry and warm afterward. Clean the ears, and pull out hair growing inside the ear canal.



No one has conclusively determined the exact birthplace of the Maltese. It is known that the breed existed in ancient Egypt: small statues have been found in the tomb of Rameses II, who ruled from 1290 to 1223 BC. Phoenician traders may have bought the dogs to Malta and the surrounding Mediterranean countries.


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