Contact: +12486625079
Price: Rs. 26,500
we sale and ship worldwide with our main markets being in the UAE, EUROPE, ASIA, GERMANY, MIDDLE EAST, ASIA AND OCEANIA.
whatsapp : +12486625079
Hi there; I am selling a fully hand reared sulphur crested cockatoo silly tame, he is a lovely bird and loves to be out and loves to sit on your shoulder and could sit there all day and loves to play with toys and loves to fly about, he is a amazing, curious bird and loves to play about and he is so hilarious :and is ready to sell as he is now fully weaned, for further inquires contact
EMAIL: juantameexotics@gmail.com
whatsapp : +12486625079
website : juantameparrots.wixsite.com/juantameparrots