If a dog shows signs of aggression don't look into his eyes, the dog will take this as a challenge, never smile the dog could interpret this as you baring your teeth instead slowly back away and out of the dog's field of view. Don't run away as this triggers the dog's chase instinct. If several dogs are attacking you try to get somewhere high because dogs can't climb or raise your hands above your head and roar loudly to scare them away. Use things like sticks or a backpack to keep the dog from getting close enough to bite. But if you do start getting bitten focus on protecting your neck, face, chest and groin area. If you can wrap your forearm with clothing to get the dog to chew on that other tricks include falling on with your weight and striking it at the base of its skull. If you must attack the dog with a knife trying to stab it under its front leg or just above its shoulder. You can also try covering the dog's head with a coat which often subdues it or lifts the dog's hind legs up in the air which limits its ability to maneuver. If you have been bitten don't forget to get yourself checked out the hospital.
Things to do when a dog attacks you.
1) Stay on your feet and shout for help
2) Place an object between yourself and attacking dog.
3) Protect your face, neck, and groin.
4) Don’t pull away from a bite.
5) Strike the dog continuously in a vital area.
6) Use weapons to injure the dog.
Preventing Dog Attacks:
1) Avoid the territory of unfamiliar or dangerous dogs.
2) Avoid eye contact; avert your eyes by looking above or below the dog.
3) Keep your hands in your pockets.
4) Don't turn your back on approaching dogs.
Being Prepared for an Attacking Dog:
1) Bring something with you to serve as a shield.
2) Carry a weapon with you.
3) Pay attention to your surroundings while walking.
Managing Your Reactions:
1) Resist the urge to run. The dog will most likely chase you.
2) Stand your ground for long and the dog will lose interest. Make yourself big by raising your arms up in the air.
3) Back away slowly. If you stand still and back away calmly the dog will eventually back away from you.
Calming an Aggressive Dog:
1) Stay calm. Resist the urge to scream and continue to stand tall while asserting your presence.
3) Use verbal commands. Be confident when you give verbal commands. Dogs can sense fear or uncertainty.
4) Distract the dog. This will give you time to sneak away. Give him food on you or try to find a stick to throw.
5) Throw an object at the dog. It will act as a shield. The dog will bite your object instead of biting you.